Foot Bridges
Tension Control Bolts are widely used in pedestrian foot and cycle bridges. Though the loads they carry may be relatively modest, footbridges are frequently located in prominent locations and are considered landmark structures. The appearance of the structure can be enhanced with the use of standard TCBs. See below a selection of footbridge projects.
Gem Bridge
Gem Bridge is part of the 26km long Drakes Trail....
Glasgow Pedestrian & Cycling Smart Bridge
Severfield Watson Structures as part of the Clyde Gateway project....
Hope Station Footbridge
Hope Station serves the villages of Hope and Brough in the Derbyshire....
Knostrop Footbridge - Leeds
Fabricated by SH Structures this bridge is part of the Leeds Flood....
Newton Blossomville Bridge
In conjunction with their specialist sub-contractor Beaver Bridges....
Pedestrian Bridge - Hounslow
Fabricated and erected by Beaver Bridges, this smart pedestrian bridge....
Teign Bridge - Devon
Fabricated and erected by Beaver Bridges, this smart pedestrian bridge....
White Horse Bridge - Wembley
Always busy on F.A. Cup final day and for England home internationals....
A24 Broadbridge Heath Footbridge
A24 Broadbridge Heath Footbridge in Horsham....