Many thanks to Alstom Transport in Barcelona for hosting recent training sessions.
Tension Control Bolts from TCB Ltd are critical aspect of the assembly, maintenance, and safety of trains and trams globally for Alstom Transport .
Trains operate in demanding environments —subject to high stress, vibrations, and extremes of temperatures —Greenkote® TCBs are integral to ensure the structural integrity mitigating against train derailment / fatality.
Tension Control Bolts Ltd have been supporting Alstom Transport for many years and the HRC assembly from Tension Control Bolts Ltd is an authorised and standardised approved Alstom product.
Alstom Factories supplied include locations Ottawa : Canada, Riyadh : Saudi Arabia, Mumbai : India, Ballarat : Australia, Saltzgitter : Germany , Hanoi : Vietnam, Vienna : Austria, Katowice : Poland, Prasa : South Africa and many more.
Applications include carbody shells & cabin assemblies, bogie links, bogie frames, drivers cabins & side panels. These are for trams, trains, suburban and regional trains, locomotives, high speed and very high speed trains.
The training is advocated as it incorporates best practice with rigid attention to quality ensuring that the correct bolts are used, the right torque specifications are followed, and the proper installation techniques are employed. The need for precision and attention to detail is paramount in the high-speed and high-stress environment of rail transport.