New Shear Wrench at Ferrybridge Power Station

Ferrybridge Power Station
Severfield steel erectors on site.

Tension Control Bolts Ltd attended Ferrybridge Power Station to deliver the BCSA accredited Bolt Competency Course (Level 1 Practitioner) to the Severfield crew working on site.

A well-received demonstration of our new GSULR300 shear wrench to Pat McLaughlin, the UK Construction Manager for Severfield, followed the installation training.

The new GSULR300 is a highly specialised tool designed specifically for use in narrow splice joints. Pat and colleagues were able to get a hands on demonstration with the new shear wrench, installing TCBs in some demonstration steel, seeing first-hand the access advantages of the new tool.

Our thanks to David Leitch and Severfield colleagues for their hospitality on site during the visit.