Many thanks to Taziker Industrial for hosting a recent visit to Granton Gas works – an amazing transformation ! Now at an advanced stage with primarily M22 diameter TCBs replacing rivets in this listed structure, a restoration of the 123-year-old gas holder.
TCBs were specified by Tetra Tech and installed by amazing Taziker crew. A refresher Bolt Competency Course was convened on the day, which all erectors passed with flying colours. The availability of gas power transformed industry and domestic life from the 19th Century and well into the 20th century. By the middle of the 19th century centralised gasworks featured in many Victorian towns with gas holders like Granton prominent. Gas holders became steadily more obsolete from the 1960’s; the gas in Granton was initially generated from coal whereas the national gas grid was established & developed primarily to distribute natural gas from the North Sea. In 1981 the last UK gas holder ceased operations.
The Granton Gas Works was established following huge growth in the gas industry between 1890 & 1910. In 1897 the Edinburgh & Leith Corporations Gas Commissioners appointed Walter Ralph Herring as Chief Engineer & Manager to develop a masterplan for Granton Gasworks; comprising coal store, workshops, pump house, meter house, pumping station, station office building, & three gas holders. Granton continued to be in use until 2001 however redevelopment of the site meant that all extant buildings other than the Gas Holder were redeveloped. Tension Control Bolts Ltd are pleased to have supported the preservation of this Category B Listed Gas Holder which will continue to be a landmark structure on the Edinburgh skyline.